Tuesday, May 26, 2009


You either love or hate this guy. There's no median. If you're politically knowledgeable, you have an opinion on him. However, I guess I'm an exception to the rule. I tolerate him. He's the democratically elected President, after all. However, I can't help but think about how last election went.

OK. Well, I think many of us agree that after 8 years of a GOP White House, and the Democrats having a shaky hold over the Congress; it could be worse! Of course, I wasn't real thrilled with the Democrats' dim witted approach to the economy or to social issues, then or now. See, what I mean is this. In the last months of the Bush Administration, you had a well established Democrat control over the Congress. While it was a slim majority, made even shakier with the presence of Blue Dogs, it was a majority nonetheless. The first bailouts, passed 1 October 2008, was obviously the act of buffoon politicians. The GOP was more intelligent, realizing that this simply furthers the ideals of supply side economics, aiding the wealthy, and making the poor pay for it. On the other side of the aisle, you had the Democrats. These guys are crazy. They have the political knowledge of a common household sponge. Dozens of congressional democrats, grinning from ear to ear, proud of this achievement in the name of quiet socialism, are too stupid to realize that THIS IS NOT MARXISM! If anything, our leaders have stepped us closer to Nazism; what I mean by that is that we now have a system where losses are public but profits are private!

Obama and McC**t were both voted Yea on the bailouts. It's public record, you can see it in the roll call for HR 1424 (2008. If you need the link, here it is.) Sure, they've made bad decisions in voting, but it's better than (fill in name of opposing party candidate here). WRONG REASON TO VOTE PEOPLE. Gah!

Take another example. My dear old mom and dad are highly religious neo-cons. I asked them who they were going to vote for after the primary showed the Mike Huckabee lost the GOP primaries. They said they would vote McCain, despite the fact that they don't agree.

So what's wrong with that? EVERYTHING! People, don't you realize that the President of the United States is often called the most powerful (person) in the world? We are given a choice. The puppet on the right, or the puppet on the left. In a sense, you are just voting based on what your party says. That's wrong on so many levels, if you ask me. This is not democracy.

Food For Thought,

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