I am reminded of a quote near the beginning of the communist manifesto:
"In proportion as the bourgeoisie, i.e., capital, is developed, in the same proportion is the proletariat, the modern working class, developed -- a class of laborers, who live only so long as they find work, and who find work only so long as their labor increases capital. These laborers, who must sell themselves piecemeal, are a commodity, like every other article of commerce, and are consequently exposed to all the vicissitudes of competition, to all the fluctuations of the market."
Essentially, if I don't get a sale, I don't eat. I don't have a roof over my head. And I die. Oh well, he's just an insurance salesman, right? Well... my friends. This is wrong. I opened my eyes to this, and saw what Aflac was really about. "Aflac was rated the most ethical company to work for." They told me. Really, now?Also, what pisses me off about the job is that I've been mislead altogether too often. I was told things about Aflac and their benefits program; when in reality, it DOESN'T EXIST. I was told that I never heard that, and I must be lying. OK.
I was in love with Aflac for a while. I was blind sighted by pie-in-the-sky numbers of the money I'll make, and the trips I could win, and so forth. And then, during training, after I had accepted the job and put so much time, money, and effort into it, was I finally told that 65% of the agents don't make any money. Why? Because they don't work. Funny, how I was working my ass off and not making a cent. But, I guess I wasn't working hard enough. 16 hour day, for three days straight, while working a full six days a week on this wasn't nearly enough, apparently.
So, after a long talk with a friend, I finally figured out what this all was. I opened my eyes up and saw that I was nothing to Aflac. I was just another agent. I didn't deserve to be paid, because I didn't work hard enough.
I have decided to look for another job. I need something that will direct me where I want my career to go. I want to be a speech therapist someday. This will mean that I need to start shaping my life towards that career. I have an interview request from Devereux, which won't pay me the highest estimates that I got from Aflac, i.e. $653000 per year. But, I will get about $20000, which, is enough to live on for now. Provided that I get this job, I will be doing work with Special needs individuals, the mentally and developmentally handicapped, the mentally ill, and so forth.
This is my ideal job. Scratch that, it's my ideal career move for right now. Wish me luck.
Food for thought:
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